2 half days – using case studies involving real complaints
Objectives of training and complaints handling
FCA rules – DISP 1.1A for MiFID cases
FOS materials
Building the complaints procedure
The meaning of “complaints procedure” and “policy”
Uses of procedures and policies
Identifying the complaints management function and its role
Scope of the procedure and the FCA Complaints Rules (DISP)
Advanced disclosure of the complaints process
Summary details and their uses
Website disclosure of how to complain
Identifying Complaints
Definition of complaints
Defining expressions of dissatisfaction
Digital media comment
Third party complainants
Eligible complainant definitions – business customers
Handling the complainant who doesn’t want to complain
Complaints about another firm and forwarding
End of the next three business day rule
Time-limits and content
Obtaining authorities – handling third party cases
Who? Need for independence
What needs to be investigated?
How to investigate
Obtaining the version of events of all people involved
Relationship between discipline and investigations
8-week and other holding letters
Standards to be applied
Materials to consult
Dangers of premature adjudication
Reasons why complaints are upheld
Unsuitable advice
Product provider responsibilities
Clear, fair and not misleading issues
Bad administration
Compensation principles
Interest rates and tax
Customer unreasonableness
Final Response
Regulatory requirements – standards and letter form
Structure and live demonstration of the letter
Replying to the unintentional complainant
Referring the customer to FOS and the Pensions Ombudsman
Dealing with obstructive customers
Financial Ombudsman Service
Limits on FOS’ powers
Jurisdictional filter – refusal to investigate cases within jurisdiction
FOS procedure
Awards – limits and obligations to honour them
Reporting and publishing complaints data
Basic principles – Q&A
Root cause analysis
Learning from cases
Identifying recurring or systemic issues
Remedying them
Techniques for doing root cause analysis
Management information